Children's Church

Sunday Mornings 11:00 AM

Grades:  K4-6th

..."Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:

for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14


 In Children's Church, your child will be taught

the Word of God in a fun and loving environment!

Stories and lessons from the Bible
are taught every week. 


Bro. Wayne Berwager, director of our

Children's Church ministry,

has been uniquely gifted by God to serve

our children in this important ministry.

All of the volunteers in our

children's ministries are faithful members of

Lighthouse Baptist Church and have been

carefully trained and screened

to work with your children. 

Together, with Bro. and Mrs. Berwager,

they are thrilled to provide this service

to you and your family.